Solihull Shul welcomes all comers. We do not charge visitors for attending our services or events however we do rely heavily on donations to allow us to continue to carry out our activities.
Once a year on Yom Kippur we make a special appeal to raise the funds needed to continue our vital work. We would like to offer you the opportunity to partner with us by making a donation to the Kol Nidrei appeal. Your continued support is greatly appreciated.
Payment may be made by cheque payable to Solihull Hebrew Congregation. If you would like to pay by electronic banking then please make a payment to:
Account Name: Solihull Hebrew Congregation
Sort Code: 30-65-49
Account number: 38156760
Ref.: Kol Nidrei
Or you can donate via Credit Card by clicking here
To download a Gift Aid form, click here.